Tuesday, January 27, 2009


this guy's enjoying a quarter of an hour in hot water at the moment 'cause he tried to sell a senate seat to the russians or some jazz. our nation's exulted bueller took a few months off from playing deadliest catch in rivers around the dude ranch to pawn off our foreign policy to security contractors and oilmen, but boris blagorievieviec can't sell a spot in a social club that hasn't had any substantive power in the last two decades, anyway?

that was all a farce. i hit "new post" so i could talk about 2009. i think this dude's haircut is the high tension cable wire that will suspend the bridge to the 21st century. next time you're in great clips, look unto bold blegorov for guidance. the kids are gonna be into that shit. he's like a "what if" scenario for kevin conolly's character from entourage where, hypothetically, he never suffered the botched circumcision. the way it complements his suit and politicringe but dangles off his head with the flippant gangsta lean of a decorated hipster olympic medalist screams "whateva, maja losa!" to the normandy beach bums hopelessly ignorant of youth culture's postwar paradigm shift. altbros with casually condescending perspectives as fixed as their gears. brand nubiblipsters with chemo cuts. this is that new new.

short of tooth and long of hair? bounce into the barber shop and bask in a blago.

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