Wednesday, January 7, 2009

a weave and absence

sawchosiz got other people's jokes. you're on your last legs trying to preserve that henna tattoo you call a career, desperate to the point you couldn't even get your costumeworld order off layaway in time for the career enders poster shoot. when i'm teaching english in buenos aires, you're still going to be giving happy endings for a stall next to the alphagoat at the puyallup fair petting zoo in the hopes that your pen n pixel panhandling might generate mixtape buzz significant enough to win you a stowaway spot in the luggage compartment of the ringling brothers tour bus.

please don't say my name again. i go to the trouble of untagging slideshows of party pics so prospective employers have only exemplary behavior from which to draw conclusions, and i'd rather you didn't sabotage my future by introducing this new danger of google unearthing an implied association with transvestite rodent rap. i hate to sound biggoted, saw, but there are people with strong prejudices against your kind.

i'm not mad at dragonkick gafiltafish. he's just trying to achieve enough fame to warrant that bosley endorsement contract, and it's a hard world for people who need sunscreen on the top of their head. high noon, indeed, cowboy

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